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Helloooooo! My name is Elliot. I'm a male NEET from America, trying my best to make a functioning website (unfortunately, it is not going well).


oleander β˜€οΈ 21 days ago

my spine

oleander πŸ“š 64 days ago

set up my "linjou" blog

oleander 🌈 66 days ago

i'm making friends guys, slowly but surely

oleander 🎲 67 days ago

i'm almost 18 guys i can feel it in my bones

oleander 🌱 71 days ago

Making the site anew. I am a god, I can craft it with my bare hands

oleander 🍺 148 days ago

everything is broken

oleander ✨ 149 days ago

Hey guys I'm thinking of moving my site / redoing it so be wary of changes

oleander 😢 149 days ago

a kalos pokemon game? ?? in 2024???? well, 2025, but... i'm so excited

oleander 🎨 166 days ago

lots of drawing, guys

oleander πŸŒ™ 173 days ago

sorry for very few updates to site, persona 3 reload came out

oleander 🌧️ 177 days ago

obsidian is such a good application

oleander 🎲 180 days ago

β€œAn intelligent man cannot become anything seriously, and it is only the fool who becomes anything.” ― Fyodor Dostoyevsky, NftU

oleander πŸ™ƒ 182 days ago

NVM no contacts for me, too much anxiety with... putting stuff in my eyes

oleander πŸ‘€ 182 days ago

getting contacts

oleander 🎲 183 days ago

to the webmaster of memer.online : was it u who sent me the discord friend request? i went to bed at 4pm so i didn’t get it in time D:

oleander πŸ’» 185 days ago

I want more neocities people to be my friends ): I really like site-building

oleander 🎨 185 days ago

Lots of art this year. Going well.

oleander 🀩 187 days ago


oleander πŸ‘€ 210 days ago

I've got a plan for the new site... stay tuned

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