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Helloooooo! My name is Elliot. I'm a male NEET from America, trying my best to make a functioning website (unfortunately, it is not going well).


oleander 👀 345 days ago

I've got a plan for the new site... stay tuned

oleander ✏️ 355 days ago

New conlang soon

oleander ☕️ 375 days ago

Can't get the energy to work on website as a whole yet, it'll come slowly. Starting with a blog about learning

oleander 💾 409 days ago

i've been trying to learn about responsive websites to redesign my website but it's hard ahhhh

oleander 🎱 421 days ago

im gonna redo the website soon guys, just designing rn

oleander 📚 440 days ago

researching hanfu

oleander 📺 465 days ago

just got out of the hospital (was in it for a month) hello my friends

oleander 🎶 494 days ago

arranging a persona 4 song for piano

oleander 🎱 509 days ago

writing an rpg

oleander 🌱 515 days ago

what's up guys

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