Only one more exam to go for this season!
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- Just another random person on the Internet. Maybe interesting, maybe not.
Friend’s server is officially dead. I had my RSS reader there.
My professor is sick, so he can’t attend to the exam. See you next week, prof!
Everything is going to be alright...
I must stop messing around and study
Hoping my brother gets better.
Deleted my “Homework” folder once and for all... I hope
Go, Ari: you can do this!
Waiting for midnight
Why doesn’t she reply?
Need some rest
Writing the draft for an actual letter... It’s weird, but I’ve already bought the stamp.
Not sure about a lot of things, unfortunately.
It’s the first time I manage not to drink alcohol while my friends do. Yay!
Finally some sun after all that rain!
0% right now
How am I supposed to pass tomorrow’s exam if I haven’t been mentally able to study for days?
I want Melbourne Bounce to be relevant again
I can’t seem to focus on anything right now...
I don’t want to be consumed by angst.