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Hi, I'm nonkiru!


nonkiru 🌱 97 days ago

I propagated some lavender yesterday. I think today I might read a book! ^_^

nonkiru πŸ“– 105 days ago

I finished reading Dungeon Meshi and I'm really happy!! What a wonderful series. To live is to eat!

nonkiru πŸ“Ί 113 days ago

I just binge watched all 14 currently released episodes of Dungeon Meshi in one sitting... it's 5am, but I had a lot of fun! I love it! :3

nonkiru πŸ₯° 119 days ago

I love Sheezy.Art!! It reminds me so much of old deviantART, it's so much fun looking through everyone's art and leaving nice comments. ;w;

nonkiru πŸ₯° 120 days ago

It feels like a little kiss on the cheek when someone goes through all of your art and likes them on social media! :3

nonkiru πŸ™ƒ 122 days ago

New Chainsaw Man chapter, time to be lost and confused again. :3 (Still love reading it, though!! :D)

nonkiru πŸ“š 128 days ago

Feels weird to be reading books again. I'm enjoying myself, though! :3

nonkiru πŸ₯° 136 days ago

Ordered two Maya Kern skirts!! I'm so excited for them to come in!! :D

nonkiru πŸ€” 139 days ago

Thinking about attempting to do a full Living Dex for PokΓ©mon...

nonkiru 😑 143 days ago

Annoyed with Linux - there's little support for VTubing. Stuff has features missing and hardly works. Makes me want to go back to Win10.

nonkiru πŸ₯³ 144 days ago

Thank you for 400 followers on Neocities! :3

nonkiru πŸ’” 147 days ago

Heart is broken... cute skirt isn't in my size... I think I'll draw something cute to make up for it!! >:)

nonkiru πŸ’” 148 days ago

Sick and tired of playing marriage counselor for my parents. Praying for the day that housing is affordable in this country.

nonkiru πŸ’» 149 days ago

Finally fixed the layout here! Also some other misc updates to my site! :3 (mainly the About page!)

nonkiru πŸ₯³ 160 days ago


nonkiru πŸ“Ί 165 days ago

I just binge re-watched the entire second-half of MLP:FiM S2 in one sitting... oops! :3

nonkiru ✏️ 166 days ago

Working on another site layout... I can't help it, it's really fun!

nonkiru ✏️ 221 days ago

i really wanna commission art of non but that costs MONEY and i hate spending money.

nonkiru β˜€οΈ 245 days ago

i tried archery for the first time today and its really fun!!

nonkiru πŸ”₯ 245 days ago


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