fell down the balatro hole whoopsie daisy
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- hiiiiiii i just wanna get some thoughts out here
if i buy a baseball bat and a bunch of nails off walmart will that look suspicious
i need someone to come to my house and just break my leg, need that nice broken bone pain in me
think we should shut down all social media and go back to forums until people learn to behave themselves
mmmm think it's time for me to start ignoring the internet/society and getting lost in video games for a while. again
everything has made me murderous i think, i don't want redemption arcs i want BLOODSHED KILL THEM YOU FOOLS
so instead of getting depressed and gloomy about things i just get murderous and want people to die, is that concerning?
golly gee i sure hope i don't regret eating all that
can someone just kill these dudes already so i'll never have to hear about them ever again
sry twitter people i still liked but it's just not worth logging in anymore
thinking about my past stuff and cringing why am i so unhinged
oh is THAT why everyone is talking about nekoweb rn? huh, well good thing we have nekoweb then!
get it twisted
great splatfest y'all! poor deep cut lol
great splatfest, they did a great job making the game go out with a bang
whew, almost made the mistake of reinstalling windows. u can't get me, stupid microsoft
if nothing else i'm glad cohost got to exist for a while. maybe we can use it as an excuse to finally make that damn neocities/nekoweb
idk wtf that even was but i'm glad i witnessed it
so it turns out my ear was hurting cause of a really weird bug we caught. ok then
could u, like, make an entire game on the steam deck? u can use blender and godot on it after all