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welcome to karma cafe... there are no menus. you will be served what you deserve.˚✧₊⁎


naylith 🥳 140 days ago

website is live finally!!!!!

naylith 👽 180 days ago

having no friends is hella lonely sometimes

naylith 🎮 180 days ago

i should just mute enemy chat when i play league idk why i forget to do it and then they say smth that triggers me and then i start crying

naylith 🙂 180 days ago

working on the web

naylith 🤖 280 days ago

soooooo much to do ahhhh

naylith 🌧️ 282 days ago

it's happening again

naylith 💔 304 days ago

tried really hard to make a friend in my lecture and in the end they said 'see you next time' and walked away

naylith 🌧️ 308 days ago

feeling down very down

naylith 😭 309 days ago

some1 wanna tidy my room for me

naylith 📚 310 days ago

channeling my inner rory gilmore

naylith ✈️ 318 days ago

i wanna go home but i also don't wanna leave

naylith 💤 326 days ago

haven't even left the house and i'm already feeling homesick :(

naylith 🙃 329 days ago

i keep ranking up to plat 3 and demoting to plat 4 and promoting to plat 3 again and it's pain

naylith 😴 332 days ago

vacuumed my room and hung up all my clothes!!!!

naylith 💤 333 days ago

so sleepy ALL THE TIME

naylith ❤️ 341 days ago

i want a vanilla or chocolate scented perfume

naylith 👀 341 days ago

don't like being left out

naylith 🌈 344 days ago

i ate like 12 custard creams today

naylith 🤔 345 days ago

i wish there would be a way to like people's statuses or like repost them but i guess that is not very status cafe and more so twitter

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