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she/they 24 years old adhd + asd european

my current mood is The current mood of nandoesherbest at


nandoesherbest ✨ 617 days ago

Fallout New Vegas: Dead Money broke me, but gave me some ideas for my Courier's backstory 👀

nandoesherbest 😴 619 days ago

I don't want to go to work today ;;;;

nandoesherbest 😂 623 days ago

Fantasy name generator just dropped this typical American name on me: Osvaldo Maldonado. I'm dying

nandoesherbest 🤔 623 days ago

my gay ass shipping my self-insert game characters with my favourite male NPC and being not interested in irl men: is this bisexuality?

nandoesherbest 🤐 626 days ago

and another terrible day at job <3 how lovely :))

nandoesherbest 😭 627 days ago

So,,, I have to start teaching seven and nine year olds tomorrow... I'm terrible with kids, great :))

nandoesherbest 🙂 628 days ago

Okay, so i'm going to study whole day! also 11:11!

nandoesherbest 🙃 633 days ago

fking epic games launcher just gave me a heart attack efkjerhfj

nandoesherbest 😭 633 days ago

I started reading "My lesbian experience with loneliness" and I'm about to cry rn

nandoesherbest 🤒 633 days ago

Mercury from Shining Nikki has no bussiness being so hot, and yet there he is

nandoesherbest 😭 634 days ago

My dad suddenly told me "Nancy, I love you", so I replied with "I love you too, dad" and he almost started crying---

nandoesherbest 💀 634 days ago

AAHHAJDjsfhs iframes will kill me this halloween ;;

nandoesherbest 🤖 634 days ago

I will play some fallout, and then get back to work

nandoesherbest 😱 634 days ago

holyyyyy 💩, i somehow put this thing together with iframes!! now... how to change content of main box...

nandoesherbest 🍔 634 days ago

i feel like getting some kfc after work >w<

nandoesherbest 🤐 635 days ago

Okay, the bases of the website are somewhat done, now I need to figure out iframes, how tf they're more difficult than php O_O

nandoesherbest 😭 635 days ago

went to get some icecream with my dog and found out that our nearby pizza place's closed down forever ;^;

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