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name: Milo
gender: male
sexuality: bisexual
beliefs: agnostic


milo-html 🎮 155 days ago

guys dont worry im still alive. just been busy gaming!

milo-html 🐶 286 days ago

I'll continue the Nintendogs shrine later...

milo-html 🐶 298 days ago

Currently making a Nintendogs shrine!!

milo-html 🙂 348 days ago

slowly, (possibly?) getting back with updating my site again.

milo-html 🤔 391 days ago

taking a hiatus from doing big site updates

milo-html 🥰 394 days ago

go read my 2nd animal crossing blog!!! :D

milo-html 💻 395 days ago

i'm working on an animal crossing blog, exiting... and it will be on a different page than the 2023 blogs.

milo-html 🙂 397 days ago

new blog out! 'How to make a stamp from a picture (using GIMP)'

milo-html 🤩 400 days ago

yayy i finally joined a webring! and its a very cool one B)

milo-html 💻 401 days ago

my website updates are currently very small changes in words and stuff like that. i dont know when i'll do bigger updates again.

milo-html 🙂 410 days ago

Um just kidding. I'm back with my website, I regret saying that I'll take a break xD

milo-html 🤔 410 days ago

Taking a break from my website. Dunno how long it will be before I start working on my site again.

milo-html 😎 412 days ago

came back from a relaxing horseriding lesson on Blacky, one of my favorites. its so hot here though x'D

milo-html 🤔 415 days ago

hmmmmm what should i add to my site..

milo-html 🤐 416 days ago

my blogs are such a flop for my feeling, but hey imma still continue making them cause they're fun to write.

milo-html 😴 417 days ago

slept terrible and cant focus + no motivation... not my best day

milo-html 🍔 418 days ago

i can't wait for my bigmac and fries to be delivered :'( hungry.. edit: they're 20+ minutes late AAARRGHGHH... edit 2: eating rn

milo-html 🤔 418 days ago

i wanna write a new blog but can't think of an interesting topic..

milo-html 🙂 419 days ago

going horseriding very soon and after that i plan on making new graphics for the site

milo-html 🤔 420 days ago

worked a lil bit on another site and im going to school in an hour or so

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