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name: Milo
gender: male
sexuality: bisexual
beliefs: agnostic


milo-html 🤔 421 days ago

Ok i'm on my school chromebook now and its slow + the keyboard sucks. But i'm editing some stuff on my site like adding <main> tags etc.

milo-html 📱 421 days ago

Don't have my laptop with me atm, so I can't work on the site for now, nor can i make any new graphics as I really wanted to >:'(...

milo-html 🎨 422 days ago

im so energetic rn. btw i made some new blinkies today and a stamp so check that out on my art page!

milo-html 💻 422 days ago

just woke up. hope i can make a new page or any new content for my website today

milo-html 💤 423 days ago

gonna sleep soon..

milo-html 🍔 423 days ago

very hungry... but i have great plans for when i've refueled myself with some food. i will have the energy to work on my website again hehe.

milo-html 🙃 423 days ago

came back from a 60 min walk. i'm tired now but only in my body and not my head... so i'm gonna see if i get any good/new ideas for my site

milo-html 🙃 423 days ago

gonna play some games now

milo-html 🥱 423 days ago

i'm tired and cannot focus again. atleast my cat is cute, sleeping on my lap.

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