osu-ing so hard carpel tunnel here i come

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meowbark 🏆 497 days agomeowbark 🍺 500 days agocurrently working on repairing the hadaka shitsuji fandom wiki wish me luck
meowbark 💔 503 days agoanother round of spending 4 hours trying to find a specific manga on the web that i want to read (hensoukyoku)
meowbark ☕️ 504 days agomeowwwwwwwwwwwww
meowbark 🙂 506 days agojust found a scanner at a thrift store might scan some manga sometime
meowbark 😭 507 days ago20 tabs open constantly I must put an end to this madness I NEED TO FINISH STUFF...
meowbark 🍾 511 days agoscrolling the depths of wordpress and blogspot today
meowbark 🍾 512 days agocan't listen to my music on youtube anymore back to winamp and downloading mp3 I go
meowbark 💾 512 days agoindex page is very much not done yet but here it is
meowbark 💔 513 days agoso so low on room storage no space
meowbark 💔 515 days agocant use youtube 4 music anymore because of the ad block rules... forever only using winamp now...
meowbark 🎲 515 days agomeoww meowww
meowbark 🌧️ 518 days agoit is raining a lot, best background music I'm so cozy
meowbark 📚 518 days agogoing used to the bookstore! hopefully they still have manga printed by june. praying.
meowbark 🌧️ 519 days agowill work on new index page... soon... soon... after i stop being sleepy..
meowbark 📚 519 days agoI LOVE LITERATURE!!!! I LOVE READING AND WORDS!!!! I LOVE WORDS!!!!
meowbark 🏆 522 days agomessing up my sleep schedule again
meowbark 🍺 526 days agoI should take a coding break because I've legit just been coding and writing almost all day for the past month
meowbark 😭 528 days agocan webarchive stop breaking when I'm web surfing not awesome
meowbark 🙂 529 days agomekwwwmeowoww meowwww meowwww