Last 2 days of work before the holidays. I am not ready to take two weeks off!
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T -9 days to my holiday in Vienna!
Back to Italy. Went for a nice walk today, but now I need some tea to warm myself up.
Slept poorly. Have a bad case of "The Mondays". And it's really dark outside already. I am, however, quite happy of where I am.
My parents dog passed away. He was old and recently quite ill, but it's still sad.
My stat here in Finland is almost over (just 12 more days) and I don't want to leave.
Time for coffee!
This has been *the longest* day. Time to go to sleep.
Utterly unmotivated. About to have a large cup of coffee, see if that wakes me up a bit.
How it only Monday?
It's been snowing the past weekend and everything looks white, fluffy and frozen. I love it, but only because I don't have to go outside...
Need more tea...
Working from under a blanket, it's so cold here!
Went to see Magic Sword last night, it was amazing!
Had an amazing weekend. Finland is absolutely stunning when the weather is not crap.
Had a lovely lunch with falafel, tzatziki and pita. Everything but the pita was made from scratch. It was amazing!
@worldendling happy birthday!
It's dark and cold in Finland but I don't even care because I am so happy over here!
@theglittersalamango My family is further North and they didn't feel it, but I read it was strong! I hope you are OK.❤️