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Here is my wobble!


melyanna ✈️ 1 day ago

Going back to Italy

melyanna 📖 5 days ago

Off to the Gutenberg museum!

melyanna 🐶 6 days ago

We have a dog visiting us today!

melyanna 📚 7 days ago

Finished reading "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy. Beautiful book that I absolutely recommend.

melyanna 🌈 9 days ago

Went for a swim in the lake!

melyanna 🚄 11 days ago

Off to Hannover!

melyanna ☀️ 12 days ago

I woke up super early. It is sunny outside and I am torn between wanting to go out and going back to sleep.

melyanna 💤 14 days ago

Time to rest! Seeing more of Hamburg tomorrow.

melyanna 🚄 14 days ago

Heading to Hamburg!

melyanna 🤩 15 days ago

Ready for a new day as a tourist in Berlin!

melyanna 💤 17 days ago

After one plane,several trains, and more than 35K steps walked, I am ready to sleep!

melyanna ✈️ 17 days ago

In Berlin! Excited!

melyanna 🤩 18 days ago

Packing my bags and getting ready for the trip tomorrow!

melyanna 🍕 31 days ago

Craving pizza!

melyanna 😴 170 days ago

It's been a while. I am tired and feeling a bit discouraged, a bit meh. Looking forward to the end of this week.

melyanna 💤 201 days ago

I woke up early and now I am already tired...

melyanna 💻 202 days ago

Experimenting for 3 months with a high interests saving account.

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