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Graphic design student and denpa turbo-loser.


melankorin 🙂 40 days ago

i got my sp ine igotm y orangec ru s h

melankorin 🙂 72 days ago

things could be better

melankorin 🙂 77 days ago

new hyperfixation acquired. it's uh... (shuffles notes) r.e.m???

melankorin 🌧️ 81 days ago

we don't know what tomorrow brings

melankorin 🌧️ 100 days ago

hoping for better days soon

melankorin 🙂 124 days ago

yeah no nvm again jekyll is slow :(

melankorin 🙂 127 days ago

nvm fuck this jekyll is good

melankorin 🙂 127 days ago

jekyll is fantastic, but id like something faster. im going to try to learn hugo and 11ty to see if they're good.

melankorin 🙂 130 days ago

What if you wanted to remake your website's layout but life says "no"

melankorin 🌧️ 181 days ago

You know the drill: still not dead, just busy and sad.

melankorin 🌧️ 204 days ago

Can I make everything else disappear?

melankorin 🙂 206 days ago

new toilet, same shit

melankorin 🙂 212 days ago

A strand of light suspended by a thumb tack in the drywall

melankorin 🌈 235 days ago

comment sections fixed

melankorin 🙂 238 days ago

AWESOME! The comment sections broke! Yippee!

melankorin 💀 249 days ago

I promise, I'm not dead, I'm gonna update soon lmao

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