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Graphic design student and denpa turbo-loser.


melankorin ✏️ 256 days ago

still not dead just being absolutely decimated by creative block

melankorin 🙂 263 days ago

not dead just being crushed by creative block

melankorin 🙂 287 days ago

damn. i think i'm finally tired of my current layout.

melankorin 🙂 301 days ago

Unfortunate. Tragic, even.

melankorin 🙃 345 days ago

I am not dead, I'm just busy. Expect an update next week.

melankorin 🙂 356 days ago

I'm starting to get unhappy with my layout. I'm not gonna change it for a while though, I need to prioritise content over aesthetics.

melankorin 🌧️ 364 days ago

why do i have to remember you?

melankorin 🙂 378 days ago

There is no motivator like spite

melankorin 🔥 383 days ago

I hated Ohio before any of you stupid kids did

melankorin 🙂 387 days ago

I've been hard at work on this website these days, so much so that I feel severely burnt out. I'll be taking a break. See you soon!

melankorin ☀️ 388 days ago

(realisation that i'll soon be 21) NO GO BACK GO BACK GO BACK GO BACK

melankorin 🧐 395 days ago

Is this what being a productive member of society is like? Man.... it sucks.

melankorin 😇 407 days ago

Every day be thankful that your thoughts aren't public.

melankorin 🙂 416 days ago

Sometimes you just... yknow?

melankorin 💀 422 days ago

goregrind vocals = the french language

melankorin 🙂 423 days ago

Implementing masonry layouts makes me want to explode the entire planet

melankorin 🙂 423 days ago

Implementing masonry layouts make me want to explode the entire planet

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