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just one more day...


mekongred 🥳 1 day ago

its time for the annual rimworld run that i wont finish!!

mekongred 🙂 4 days ago

my day be so good and then i get an email from university and all the air is sucked from my lungs and the life stripped from my eyes

mekongred 🙂 4 days ago

got a new shampoo that smells really good but it burns my scalp... surely it wont be a problem right

mekongred 🤔 5 days ago

reading random wikipedia articles while stroking my chin and slowly nodding my head to REALLY absorb the knowledge (i will forget in 1 hr)

mekongred ☀️ 7 days ago

sun is out we balling crazy style

mekongred 😇 8 days ago

listening to ambient music in the dark... this must be how phones feel like when their battery getting charged

mekongred 🌧️ 9 days ago

i hate university i really do, why do i have to do work in the summer?? THIS IS MY BREAK LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!... just one more year...

mekongred 🙂 11 days ago

telling everybody im currently inbetween jobs when the last time i worked was part time during christmas in 2022

mekongred 🙂 12 days ago

thingamajig users when real doohickey enjoyers enter the room

mekongred 🥱 13 days ago

sucks when expensive things are actually good and work well, like, its enough lil bro stop justifying your price tag...

mekongred 🙃 18 days ago

i figured out my border-image problem instead of going to sleep and the answer is so dumb i think i might cry

mekongred 😡 18 days ago

how the hell do i make border-image work?! i swear im doing everything right but it just wont work!! what am i doing wrong?? im going to bed

mekongred 🔥 19 days ago

5 seconds into the dragon quest XI menu screen THIS GAME IS KINO!!!

mekongred 😶 22 days ago

took three naps today... i think im losing it

mekongred 😭 25 days ago

spent the last 3 days on this and its 4 am but i finally got this code to work LETS GO!!!!!.... i need to sleep

mekongred 🙂 26 days ago

been showering at 2 am and going to sleep at 4 am for this whole past month is it joever???

mekongred 💀 27 days ago

trying to learn javascript and fiddling with my website i didn't realise just how horrible my coding is... WHAT IS GOING ON!!!

mekongred 🙂 28 days ago

DAWNTRAIL!! fishing is BACK and in a BIG way!!!!

mekongred 😭 28 days ago

working on my website at 4am i turn my head around and its bright out IM COOKED!!!!!!!

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