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medeuxsa 😡 118 days ago

when your problem is met with accusations instead of gentle trust and you know why anger is your first reaction

medeuxsa 😶 122 days ago

never have i felt so gluttonous

medeuxsa 🎶 128 days ago

why is everything so heavy?

medeuxsa 🎶 129 days ago

meditating but to emo songs and deadmau5, getting interesting anxious productive thoughts then letting them go

medeuxsa 💔 129 days ago

once again being ignorant and terrified underscores my most mediocre wishes of being a decent person

medeuxsa 🤐 131 days ago

waste another day...

medeuxsa 😭 132 days ago

cry because things arent working not because youre stressed but because you must update the whole house thus stressing everyone out

medeuxsa 😭 132 days ago

when u wish u can help anyone but they refuse and then u realize u cant even help urself

medeuxsa 🐱 135 days ago

feeling like a cat.. want attention so bad but when i get i want 2 smack them and walk away

medeuxsa 💔 136 days ago

is the word im looking for loathe or abhor and why cant i make it stop

medeuxsa 😶 137 days ago

Imagine being creative, driven, optimistic or good-natured in any capacity

medeuxsa 😶 138 days ago

When I ruin my day, it's cry in bed and wish something was different... so long as it's not the foreseeable future ruined outside my control

medeuxsa 💔 140 days ago

god bro i just wish i could do more but thats all ill ever do... wish.

medeuxsa 🧐 141 days ago

me??? reaching out to secure a connection, trying to keep it alive? who am i??

medeuxsa 💀 143 days ago

Devastating being unable to know or care about anything

medeuxsa 🥹 144 days ago

thinking how far I've come and I feel so proud. although I'm unsure if I'm hungry for more

medeuxsa 😛 144 days ago

Pushing my limits (in a good way, to have a good time. I hope to remember and continue this <3)

medeuxsa 😶 146 days ago

Often being the only person to wear heels in my department feels so alienating everyone knows it's me from miles away broooo

medeuxsa 😭 146 days ago

I don't just have classmates... I have a friend

medeuxsa 😭 146 days ago

I think that if anyone read my work they'd be so confused how I got here

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