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medeuxsa 🌈 5 days ago

having gay thoughts (let's goooooo)

medeuxsa 🙃 8 days ago

Life is so much more worth when theres nothing to do so you can do anything...

medeuxsa 🎶 9 days ago

scrolling through bands' discographies seeing that they made new music, missing being a fan of things...

medeuxsa 🌧️ 10 days ago

giving myself the ick by being a monster then letting that melt into vulnerability (both parts are making me cringe)

medeuxsa 🤖 10 days ago

i cant stand routine bro, especially when it bring monotony and averageness

medeuxsa 😭 11 days ago

how can it be possible to be this scared + wasted all day over nothing combo is crazy

medeuxsa 🤐 12 days ago

Haunted by the thought of doing this alone...

medeuxsa 😱 15 days ago

In a dumbass attempt to be nice I think I have committed a complete social blunder

medeuxsa 🎮 15 days ago

Getting nostalgic thinking about titanfall...

medeuxsa 🙃 15 days ago

how can there be so much shame for a body i feel so disconnected from

medeuxsa 🤖 16 days ago

Can I, by sheer willpower, overcome the yearning for a bad habit?

medeuxsa 🥱 19 days ago

"oh god nothing is worth it" I say ominously close to getting my period

medeuxsa 😡 20 days ago

uninspired at best, lazy at worst... but i dodge making progress as I head to bed

medeuxsa 🙃 23 days ago

When ur makeup is pretty but ur not... come on broooooo

medeuxsa 🍦 24 days ago

vanilla frosting lip balm and lavender lemongrass hand cream helping me drift off to sleep (:

medeuxsa 💀 25 days ago

i dont know if this is giving up or giving in

medeuxsa 🥰 27 days ago

my mom and I got matching lip balms lip oils when she doesn't normally care about that kinda stuff I'm so happy <:

medeuxsa 🤒 28 days ago

Why must I fight against myself trying to do better... I want to listen but then I'll never get anywhere...

medeuxsa 😎 29 days ago

proud of? nostalgic for? the way my music taste expands and transcends by what I've re-found from the past moreso than what's new...

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