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medeuxsa 😭 32 days ago

I miss who I was but I don't know how to pull her from my soul so instead I mourn and yearn

medeuxsa 🙃 32 days ago

oh thing i agreed to to try to have fun and help out a friend dont bite me in the ass now

medeuxsa 🧀 33 days ago

im a fiend for sour cream

medeuxsa 😭 34 days ago

If everything I've tried so far hasn't been for me it's hard to think about what will be...

medeuxsa 🤖 36 days ago

how can i be my best self only when a screen separates me from everything...

medeuxsa 🌧️ 39 days ago

Why doesn't anyone realize I'm constantly showing them who I am please leave and pursue positive and meaningful things

medeuxsa 😎 40 days ago

when I pour more isopropyl alcohol in my dead fly's jar to upkeep preserving it and the little specks float around... snowglobe!!

medeuxsa 🌧️ 40 days ago

feeling my youth fade as we move from it girl to it girl and wishing my foundational dreams could have been normal

medeuxsa 🤐 41 days ago

I want to curl up in my bed and turn to stone.

medeuxsa 😭 42 days ago

fuck webs of relationships and connection and fuck time I know they're necessary and I'm sure I like them deep down but they hurt

medeuxsa 😭 45 days ago

trying not to cry so hard my mouth hurts. what's up with that

medeuxsa 💀 48 days ago

oh earthly attachments to desires causing suffering

medeuxsa 🙃 49 days ago

like the amount of resources and time put in to get nothing in return cannot be worth it

medeuxsa 😶 50 days ago

spread too thin and i don't do anything...

medeuxsa 🌧️ 51 days ago

I have become unrecognizable, or maybe she just didn't care

medeuxsa 😭 51 days ago

I can't wait for this shit to get better bro

medeuxsa 💔 54 days ago

holy fuck i am so miserable and its all my fault let me out bro pleaseee

medeuxsa 🙂 55 days ago

everyone talks about progressing and all i want to do is pause...

medeuxsa 😎 55 days ago

the overwhelming urge to tell everyone I'm getting into mahjong

medeuxsa 😶 57 days ago

who am i (in the sense that i both do not know and also that i am unrecognizable to even myself)

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