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🍔 @maria
🌿 website:
web dev witch



maria 🧋 716 days ago

officially a convert, jekyll is life changing wow

maria 🌧️ 719 days ago

enraptured by the sweet storm of self-actualisation

maria 🤖 720 days ago

oops only realised like a few days late an entire section of my site was erroring sfdkjkh

maria 🥳 724 days ago

not touched my site in like a week and i have the impulsive brain disease so it's css rejig time woo

maria 😴 733 days ago

long day leg tired

maria 🌳 734 days ago

just found out about the word 木漏れ日 🥰

maria 🔥 738 days ago

was such a hot night, i barely slept

maria 🐶 739 days ago

happy n lazy like a dog rn

maria 📚 740 days ago

seeing people post japanese statuses on here has been reaaaally making me want to try learning japanese again should i do it t_t

maria 🥳 741 days ago

got sunburnt today but was worth it for coming back to see my emoji picker idea got put into action 🥰🥰

maria 😭 742 days ago

posted my thoughts about the emoji picker on the forum. otherwise done nothing today. just feeling kinda low.

maria 🤔 743 days ago

thinking about maybe coding a cute self-hosted minimalistic no-js blog platform where you can write blogposts and accept webmention comments

maria 🚄 743 days ago

@sprinkles trains are the best!!! maybe i need a page for my favourite train classes on my site 🤔

maria 🥳 744 days ago

about to watch the last two episodes of owl house! on one hand i can't wait but on the other i don't want it to eeeend t_t

maria 🥰 744 days ago

i like the idea of a belly fool :) just a lil dude with a big belly, just a sweet big-bellied friend

maria 🍕 744 days ago

eaten fool pizza belly stuffed :D

maria 🍕 744 days ago

pizza eaten, belly full

maria 😴 744 days ago

just spent an hour trying to figure why nginx cache was so broken and turns out it was cloudflare the whole time aaaa

maria 🐶 744 days ago

oops changed my mind again, think i'll use smth external for journal. i just love manually crafting my regular pages too much

maria 💀 744 days ago

managed to make a django port of my whole static site in one day (proud) but now i have to migrate all my pages onto it (scary)

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