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transgender little freak from england


mametzwood 🍿 356 days ago

it just hit me that puppet history IS the hotdaga 2... all this time i've been pining for hotdaga when the REAL hotdaga is in front of me

mametzwood 💀 361 days ago

my need to drink chocolate milk vs my allergy to milk: fight

mametzwood 💀 362 days ago

tourists r so fucking annoying PLEASE stop stopping in the middle of the street this is london some of us have places to be!!!

mametzwood 💀 362 days ago

found out america doesn't have shrek's adventure... you guys are deprived

mametzwood 💤 362 days ago

made my friend watch possibly in michigan with me and i just love the rhythm the characters speak with... it's like listening to birds

mametzwood 👽 363 days ago

somehow put the wrong age on my bday counter LMAO i love being dissociative

mametzwood 🔥 363 days ago

flatmates are moving out today so i'm sleeping in the living room 2nite where it's cooler...

mametzwood 🙃 364 days ago

i need 2 figure out how to make my site less ugly on mobile but that is so far proving impossible

mametzwood ✨ 561 days ago

the tube is 160yrs old this year!!!!

mametzwood 💀 656 days ago

god i hate tfl why is the tube so EXPENSIVE!!!!

mametzwood 🌈 666 days ago


mametzwood 😴 668 days ago

ok second year of uni is busting my balls i prommy i'll be more active when i'm able

mametzwood 😴 669 days ago

something psyche-destroying about working on a cast of your own face — is my forehead really that small??

mametzwood 💀 673 days ago

i know i chose to go to uni but... going to uni... man...

mametzwood 💤 675 days ago

bleghhh i can't sleep

mametzwood 💤 678 days ago

oh man i forgor how much of a headache london gives me

mametzwood 🎮 683 days ago

on splatoon 3 lockdown

mametzwood 💀 691 days ago

god i hate tidying up

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