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History student, I like the web and books and flowers.


lianove3 🌧️ 91 days ago

happy bloomsday!

lianove3 🥰 93 days ago

dragging my friend into the indieweb

lianove3 🔥 102 days ago

manuscripts don't burn

lianove3 🙂 117 days ago

I saw a sprout of clover

lianove3 🌙 122 days ago

goodnight moon

lianove3 🔥 130 days ago

...and perhaps a bear

lianove3 😭 152 days ago

this girl is buried in RSS feeds

lianove3 🌧️ 179 days ago

april come she will

lianove3 🌧️ 187 days ago

watering the garden

lianove3 😱 207 days ago

what in the Zotero

lianove3 💔 215 days ago

sugarman gone home

lianove3 🎶 220 days ago

and there will be no answer

lianove3 🥰 221 days ago

I'm so excited for A Quiet Place 3

lianove3 🌈 222 days ago

One east, one flew west...

lianove3 💤 222 days ago

Revenge Bedtime Procrastination

lianove3 🙂 222 days ago

Paul Simon truly grooves

lianove3 😭 223 days ago

Can NOT find a place on my site to put the widget...

lianove3 ❤️ 223 days ago

Really aught to run through flex-box froggy again

lianove3 🎶 223 days ago

Dream, Ivory - Dream, Ivory

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