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History student, I like the web and books and flowers.


lianove3 🌈 48 days ago

On the indefinite detox

lianove3 ✈️ 48 days ago

Airplane mode

lianove3 😶 50 days ago

godspeed to anyone on a plane right now

lianove3 ❤️ 54 days ago

you should totally email me a poem

lianove3 😱 58 days ago

4 hour shift... Hot out...

lianove3 😱 58 days ago

4 hour shift... Hot out...

lianove3 📚 58 days ago

Finished _To the Lighthouse_ by Virginia Woolf <3<3<3

lianove3 📚 60 days ago

"But looking together united them."

lianove3 🥰 61 days ago

Just me and my baubles.

lianove3 🎱 61 days ago

Just me and my baubles

lianove3 📚 64 days ago

James Joyce would have loved hip hop music

lianove3 📚 66 days ago

"(for she was in love with them all, in love with this world)"—VW

lianove3 😇 74 days ago

O, it's only Dedalus whose mother is beastly dead.

lianove3 🌧️ 82 days ago

happy bloomsday!

lianove3 🥰 85 days ago

dragging my friend into the indieweb

lianove3 🔥 93 days ago

manuscripts don't burn

lianove3 🙂 108 days ago

I saw a sprout of clover

lianove3 🌙 113 days ago

goodnight moon

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