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Hi hi! I'm a reclusive weeb who happens to draw and play video games!
It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed! It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed!


kumaluma πŸ’€ 638 days ago

Want to work on my website, but I've been so tired and uninspired lately

kumaluma πŸ€” 641 days ago

Didn't realize how jumpy i was until all the weird stuff started popping out the void in yume nikki

kumaluma πŸ₯³ 647 days ago

Gonna try playing Yume Nikki for the first time!

kumaluma 😢 654 days ago

Haven't had the will to do anything since my car got stolen :\

kumaluma πŸ’” 655 days ago

I wanna dye my hair, but I gotta wait until it grows out more...

kumaluma πŸ₯° 663 days ago

ODDTAXI was so good, absolute peak story telling

kumaluma πŸ’€ 665 days ago

The least people can do if they're going to steal your car for a joy ride is not completely total it and steal your dental floss and snacks

kumaluma 😭 674 days ago

Life and I are in a boxing ring now and I'm on the ground already knocked out.

kumaluma πŸ’€ 679 days ago

gotta get used to working a second job, I don't have a single day off during the week now...

kumaluma ✨ 681 days ago

I'm very excited to finally have a computer that can smoothly run ps2 games, I've never played any before

kumaluma 🀩 682 days ago

It's here! steamdecksteamdecksteamdeckste

kumaluma πŸ₯° 686 days ago

aw yeah spooky season approaches, which means it's time to bust out all the pumpkin dishes and desserts!

kumaluma πŸ₯Ή 689 days ago

Finally got the steam deck on the way in the mail!

kumaluma πŸ“Ί 691 days ago

So many games I want to play are stuck in Japanese, thank god there are a few translation guides out there for them.

kumaluma πŸ’€ 692 days ago

Maybe tonight or tomorrow I'll finally do some digital art for once

kumaluma πŸ₯Ί 701 days ago

Gonna bake some strawberry cookies for a friend's birthday soon✨️✨️ unfortunately they might have covid

kumaluma 🍦 705 days ago

Making matcha strawberry ice cream aaaaa

kumaluma ✏️ 709 days ago

I've been wanting to do some digital art but I keep defaulting back to sketchbook scribbles aaaaaaaa

kumaluma πŸ₯° 715 days ago

Hamtaro gives me so much serotonin

kumaluma 😭 719 days ago

I can't believe how much Gameboy Advance games have gone up in price since I last bought any

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