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i will write this later
(possibly never)

A tiny chibi of Dijamant and Kolo hugging.
A tiny chibi of Ciroatys.A tiny chibi of Szeretet.
by dovalore


kolo ❤️ 14 days ago

my favorite unifying color ever, purple

kolo ❤️ 21 days ago

writing delta feels so so so so so good. like i'm alive again. let's go boys

kolo ❤️ 23 days ago

lun just made the most delicious filling enchiladas on earth i'm going to burst eating these

kolo 🔥 35 days ago

my apt complex tested the fire alarms today and it was the most calm and cute sounding alarm ever i'm going to die in the real fire

kolo ☀️ 40 days ago

a "two-person protest [...] protesting the usage of chickens"

kolo ❤️ 41 days ago

got my steam deck today!!!!!!!

kolo ❤️ 54 days ago

the more time i spend with one/thriga the more i'm convinced they would be cute together

kolo ✏️ 77 days ago

chewed through 6,200 words today... me hands hurt a bit

kolo 🔥 88 days ago

its so hot i hope the apt complex turns on the building ac soon :(

kolo ❤️ 102 days ago

rereading "of the inevitable" a month later like wowwwww i really like this/wanderer

kolo 💔 103 days ago

every time i go thru my files i see old eucaritia characters and my brain goes "add eucaritia to the site :)" noooo

kolo ❤️ 106 days ago

who out there loves chomyzi

kolo ✨ 116 days ago

i haven't lost the magic at all. maybe i never did

kolo ❤️ 124 days ago

dragonhost is really just a metaphor for being gay in a homophobic religion, isn't it

kolo 🙂 124 days ago

today's random good 0 views youtube recc: "uranium mines" by timothy j fairplay

kolo ❄️ 126 days ago

my fucking flavored water drink is FROZEN???

kolo 💔 132 days ago

column-count has some bizarre behavior in firefox

kolo 🤔 139 days ago

why are 3/4 of the okapi in the site rn from verebriva. what's up with that.

kolo 🎶 141 days ago

rotten replaced regrown and renamed, the bottomless game

kolo ❤️ 143 days ago

current mood: the wriggly synth at the start of "a sender"

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