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kkb 😶 20 hours ago

i've been dealing with the symptoms of ptsd all year and yet ppl really think i have the time and energy to cause problems

kkb ❄️ 20 hours ago

it's cold i'm cold ugh

kkb 🤩 10 days ago

just bought the COOLEST CAR I'VE EVER OWNED!!!!! vroom motherfucking VROOM!!!! >u<``

kkb 😇 16 days ago

things are too good these days!

kkb ❄️ 24 days ago

it's cold here!!! it's so cold!!!!

kkb 🌈 32 days ago

got some stuff in the works for my website. it's been a while since i updated!!

kkb 😎 36 days ago

so FREAKING happy!!!!!! my eating disorder recovery is going incredibly well and i had a MAJOR win today!!!!

kkb 🐶 38 days ago

sleepy as hell. i am tired of my circadian rhythm being disrupted by an archaic time management system

kkb ✈️ 44 days ago

had a great time in arizona for a week!!! got home the other night and am so proud of myself :3

kkb 😡 55 days ago

almost got hit by a car last night while walking my dog. not on my bingo card for the year. saw my life flash before my eyes lmao.

kkb 🙃 60 days ago

realizing my abuser is stalking me has opened a whole new realm of confusion and pain lmao

kkb ✨ 63 days ago

went to the old chain of rocks bridge last night and got to see the supermoon, plus a beautiful sunset!

kkb 🤔 66 days ago

my coworker told me this morning that it takes effort to be cruel to ppl. it made me think critically about my ex and the way he abused me.

kkb ✨ 67 days ago

did some magic to my website and i love it even more now. send help!!!

kkb ❤️ 71 days ago

last night i told the guy i like that i have a crush on him!!!! why did i do that idk....but i feel good!

kkb ✅ 80 days ago

tryna get shit done today at work!! meanwhile i'm aimlessly browsing neocities websites. can't kick the habit

kkb 🌧️ 84 days ago

rainy as shit today! i wanted to stay in bed when i woke up, it was difficult to rip myself out of the blanket and pillow cocoon.

kkb 🌈 93 days ago

i'm a rainbow, i'm feeling great. my wrist hurts... might have carpal tunnel. ergh.

kkb 🌙 103 days ago

sleepy weekend

kkb 🤩 109 days ago

i'm going to arizona in late october!!!

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