I just learnt that email@mailservice.com and email+quitstealinmyinfofb@mailsevice.com both go to the same inbox, but one tells that fb sucks
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- kiwianimator42@gmail.com
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the goober
i use NZST btw
email me if you care (i check it regularly and want a reason to continue to do so)
Nothings better than making out with a 9-volt
There's only 30 more blue moons in my lifetime
if 1m suddenly turned into (1^-23)m, i would freak out
if you make it easier to be creative, it means that when you have to be creative, you have a create to creative where you create creatively
my best achievement is being the first to beat rock with a twenty inch horsecock on whatbeatsrock.com
there may not be an "i" in team but there is a "c" "u" in court
Y'know, when someone eventually decided t... WHAT DO YOU MEAN SYNTAX ERROR ON LINE 15 ITS LITERALLY A LINE BREAK
insults that make you question how others perceive you as a stereotype while also theoretically being a compliment are the worst
if the world was flat why has my life been going downhill for so long
the goober
Hackneyed AND helpless? How hindering.
Nothing makes me feel more neutral than 12 hour uptime on my CPU
can i haz taim macheen. i wantz tuu leavz hear.
My friendship with gobbledegook has ended. Hullabaloo is my new friend
I just found what I can only describe as a fragmented usb that shows up in FE as 2 drives D: (2.83 GB) and E: (12 GB)
i waited 2 hours for a video compressor to compress and it gave me a bigger file
there are identical amounts of wheels and doors on earth. none
Although the past is a place to observe, not live, it doesn't help the urge.
my splatooniumpth 8 was yesterday. whoops