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im kite ^_^


k1te 📺 4 days ago

watching my cherry shrimp :]

k1te 🌙 52 days ago

very windy night, windowsill bottle with light pink roses in it fell over and shattered. petals everywhere

k1te ❄️ 64 days ago

ladies we made it to heavensward.

k1te 🎤 69 days ago

(gritting my teeth) I Have To Do It Scared

k1te 🎮 72 days ago

playing totk again...its real good they dont tell you this

k1te ✅ 74 days ago

theyre sending my ass to the crystal tower

k1te 🤩 74 days ago

music & a bite to eat is life

k1te 💾 80 days ago

and back to tables we go... (sweeping up dust & broken stuff)

k1te 💤 81 days ago

maybe ill get back to doing fun and challenging activities soon... i think its worth it... hmmm

k1te 💻 82 days ago

changed my mind. its fine

k1te 💻 82 days ago

wanting to change my site layout but that would also mean i have to redo everythinggggg.... thats a job for medicated kite

k1te 💾 85 days ago

i should make a page about my wol but i should also upload pages about all my other characters. and so the site stays quiet....

k1te ⛳️ 91 days ago

final fantasy elf disaster

k1te 💾 136 days ago

finally fixed pages that have been broken for multiple months ^._^

k1te 🌱 137 days ago

aquarium plants get here today.. oug

k1te 🫖 139 days ago

good god when the costco parm bagel hits

k1te 🙂 141 days ago

and the house is tilted and empty.. theres the sound of the wind...

k1te 🫖 146 days ago

kiteday... another year around da sun...

k1te ☀️ 151 days ago

frogs #5 and #6 appeared on my desk. they love lamp more than god

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