Brain feels like it has exploded, too much work for it to cope with

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Not feeling mentally great
In a bit of a low mood recently
Woke up feeling incredibly exhausted.
Had a nightmare and my reaction to the horrible events within my dream was to have an autistic meltdown, which felt so real. Feel exhausted.
Attempting to create a light mode for the website rebuild...
Factory resetting the Mac! So much faster now!
Rooting for the Lionesses!!
Feeling like I'm getting burned out on socialising...
Cuddling my cat!
Had fun coding today!
Woke up feeling sad.
Really like the two singles Olivia Rodrigo has put out so far for her next album!
Trying to stay awake...
Awoke exhausted.
Stress levels through the roof right now...
Gosh, it's been a highly emotional few days, would like things to calm down soon, please and thank you.
Not much better than drinking my favourite hot beverage at the end of the day.
Feeling better this morning.
Had a nightmare...