Website rebuild nearly finished...

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Watching the football earlier and dealing with tech issues has me zonked out
Looking forward to watching MotoGP and LUFC's first match of the season later!
Burned myself out yesterday over a bunch of stuff, so going to try and make today more relaxing.
Too much coding... Brain fried...
Loud chainsaw outside my window.
Feeling a bit sensitive and emotional today.
The NAS crashed, rebuilding the storage pool now, fingers crossed for no data loss!
Off grocery shopping!
Trapped under cat cuddles!
My eczema is flaring up, hoping antihistamines will help tackle the itchiness!
Feeling a little crappy. Haven't got any energy due to bad night's sleep. Had to stop what I was doing as I couldn't focus, too tired.
Didn't sleep well last night, feel knackered...
Off to sleep at a decent time!
Really enjoyed that CHNvENG football match!!
Cooking dinner, making burritos!!
Had a nightmare.
Great, feeling anxious before sleep...
Have a stomach ache...
Spending a lovely morning in bed coding, cuddling my cat, and watching the Women's World Cup 💜