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zie/hir they/them

isaac neptune

  • math person
  • x-files enjoyer
  • excited about the internet
  • average muppets fan

profile is from this picrew


isaacfish ❄️ 231 days ago

things are calming a little...

isaacfish 🙃 236 days ago

tireddd wanna go home. tomorrow will be fun tho i hope

isaacfish 🙃 239 days ago

today was fucking weird, dude

isaacfish 🌧️ 241 days ago

always sleepy

isaacfish 🌧️ 241 days ago

> tired > go to bed > cant sleep :(

isaacfish 💤 242 days ago

so so sleepy its nearly 9pm i think im allowed to pass out now

isaacfish 🌧️ 245 days ago

i hate househunting so much man

isaacfish 🌧️ 246 days ago

always forget why i was so eager to leave here

isaacfish 🌧️ 248 days ago

somehow managing 👍

isaacfish ⛵ 255 days ago

head above water but it would be nice if i could have a floatie

isaacfish ⛵ 258 days ago

i wish all the wrongs were righted and i wish we had more time

isaacfish 🙃 258 days ago

lord almighty the Lack Of Plans is killing me fr

isaacfish ☀️ 259 days ago

schemes have been joyously disrupted

isaacfish ☀️ 259 days ago

scheming schemes

isaacfish 📚 259 days ago


isaacfish 🛹 260 days ago

haircut + shower + clean house + pay invoice achieved

isaacfish 💀 260 days ago

aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh brain empty

isaacfish 🎨 261 days ago

i gotta i gotta i gottaaaaa do work but head full of fashion thoughts

isaacfish 📺 263 days ago

this is the second ever piece of media that i have actually been truly and entirely unable to find online. andy warhol WHY

isaacfish 🌮 263 days ago

SAUCE!!!!!!!!!! no pasta emoji :(

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