þe hıdden fourþ worc ı ended up goıng wıþ waſ ·δ· do þe readıng for booc club tomorrow
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ingwine 📖 847 days agoingwine 🤔 848 days agohmm· ſhould ı ·α· worc on þe poem tool on my webſtead ·β· worc on my bıtſy game ·γ· worc on þe heaþen poemſ ıve had on þe bæccburner
ingwine ✏️ 849 days agoſo glæd ı can use þıſ bıtſy game ım workıng on as a way to use my new conlang
ingwine 😎 850 days agohell yeſ ı get to work from home tomorrow & wedneſday
ingwine 🙂 851 days agomakıng a lıttle wyſard game <|:•)
ingwine 🥰 851 days agobıg þancſ to @bignastytruck for teachıng me more bıtſy today
ingwine 😴 853 days agohad a long day ⁊ ſtayed up overlate· need to go to bed now nıght nıght everyone
ingwine 🥰 853 days agoa lovely frıend taught me how to begın makıng gameſ ın bıtſy
ingwine 😔 856 days agoþæt mód þonne þe ne mæg folca nán þín word gecnáwan
ingwine 🔥 856 days agoſendıng þ good folc of þ brıtıſh ıleſ a true *hopıng ye do not melt* ~ ın ſolıdarıtıe from þ pnw ·ıngwıne
ingwine 🌙 856 days agoalrıght now tıme for bed ✧・゚:* ſweet dreams all
ingwine ✏️ 856 days agoworkıng on lıttle wrıtıng toolſ on my web ſtead haſ been fun
ingwine ✨ 856 days agoıf you are now readıng þıſ ı have caſt a *ſee a ducc ın your mınd*🦆 ſpell upon you ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
ingwine 🙂 856 days agoım glad to be on here at laſt· goıng to work on my web leaf tonıght ⛏️