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A skeksis thing trying to solve the mystery of being alive. And a bloodthirsty b e a n.


hunter 🙂 610 days ago

I am almost sure that socializing was made in hades to torment my soul. My very own tartarus torture.

hunter 🔥 817 days ago

Bonfire, spells and rebirth. I hope all witches had magical Walpurgisnacht.

hunter 😎 817 days ago

Who made a Chucky fansite? Me. And I love how it goes.

hunter ☕ 822 days ago

One coffee... two coffee... I must not sleep...

hunter 😂 825 days ago

Removed ability to comment on my wordpress sites... the amount of spam was unbelievable.

hunter 😱 826 days ago

My cat had a bad dream and bit me in my hand, hard. Claws included. I tended for it, but what the cat was dreaming of?

hunter 🌙 828 days ago

I am tiredly pillow-fighting with my inspiration...

hunter 😱 830 days ago

My cat ate my dinner. Delicious and filling, he said. Do more, he said.

hunter ☕ 831 days ago

Coffee, Discworld and soft cat on my lap. I love to be alive today.

hunter 👀 832 days ago

I feel an art patron.

hunter 😴 832 days ago

I just woke up and I am already tired. Bring me soft pillows and soft(er) cat.

hunter ❤️ 833 days ago

It's rainy. Nature soaks in water, world looks like washed with green.

hunter 💀 834 days ago

And now... time to draw something scary...

hunter 🔥 835 days ago

Curse the sun! Curse the warmth... and bless spring [ dual hunter ]

hunter 🎶 836 days ago

I want to dive in the music I listen to... airy ethereal or gloomy doom metal...

hunter ❤️ 836 days ago

Lycia's music is air, Lycia's music is my solace.

hunter 🌧️ 837 days ago

I bathe in dew unwillingly, in pearly tears of a night goddess. Ending with soaked shoes.

hunter 😡 838 days ago

If one more spambot comments with some bullsh#t under my personal weblog entry, I am losing it.

hunter 😡 842 days ago

Angry at myself for saying stupid things in stupid moments.

hunter 👀 842 days ago

Time to read. No compromises.

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