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hillhouse @ neocities


hillhouse πŸ’€ 4 days ago

once again in no adhd meds hell so i've been too sleepy/unfocused/frazzled/etc to really do anything for the last 2 weeks....

hillhouse 🎱 12 days ago

once again possessed by the urge to make my site less linear / more like a house you can explore than a directory of links....

hillhouse πŸ’€ 20 days ago

100+ degree heat + dehydration + having two (2) whiskey sours with dinner last night = absolutely brutal hangover this morning. aaaaa

hillhouse 🌈 24 days ago

i want freedom, the right to self-expression, & everybody's right to beautiful, radiant things (emma goldman, 1931)

hillhouse 🌈 36 days ago

quickly drawing all my ocs to get ready for artfight!!!!

hillhouse 🎱 46 days ago

been absolutely bonkers anxious for no reason the past few days :/

hillhouse 🌧️ 50 days ago

tornado watch wednesday

hillhouse 😭 62 days ago

auuuugghgh (<- me when i have to spend more $ than i wanted on plane tickets bc i was foolish and waited until the last minute to buy them)

hillhouse ✨ 64 days ago

hehe bought a nice 1980s sewing machine yday!!!! so excited to figure out how to use it!!!!

hillhouse πŸ“– 70 days ago

screaming crying throwing up (positive)

hillhouse πŸ’€ 72 days ago

back home & so so so sleepy. i think i picked up a cold while traveling & i'm praying it's not covid, gonna go get some tests today

hillhouse 🌈 82 days ago

going to canada in 2 days for a convention and i still need to clean and pack... aaaaaa

hillhouse ❀️ 86 days ago

happy may day! donate to bail funds for arrested student protestors! support your fellow worker in the fight for a better world!

hillhouse πŸ€– 88 days ago

finals week at my job wish me luck pls!!!!

hillhouse πŸ«– 90 days ago

i did 3 loads of laundry today please be proud of me

hillhouse ❀️ 92 days ago

happy lesbian visibility week!!!! from yr fave haunted lesbian xoxo

hillhouse 🎢 97 days ago

nothing promised / no regrets

hillhouse πŸ’€ 99 days ago

woke up feeling bonkers anxious for no reason for the first time in a while

hillhouse β˜€οΈ 106 days ago

incredible how well my brain works when i'm medicated/it's sunny out/i'm consistently making art

hillhouse πŸ”₯ 107 days ago

it's gonna be 80ΒΊf this week for multiple days..... please it's APRIL

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