100+ degree heat + dehydration + having two (2) whiskey sours with dinner last night = absolutely brutal hangover this morning. aaaaa
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hillhouse @ neocities
i want freedom, the right to self-expression, & everybody's right to beautiful, radiant things (emma goldman, 1931)
quickly drawing all my ocs to get ready for artfight!!!!
been absolutely bonkers anxious for no reason the past few days :/
tornado watch wednesday
auuuugghgh (<- me when i have to spend more $ than i wanted on plane tickets bc i was foolish and waited until the last minute to buy them)
hehe bought a nice 1980s sewing machine yday!!!! so excited to figure out how to use it!!!!
screaming crying throwing up (positive)
back home & so so so sleepy. i think i picked up a cold while traveling & i'm praying it's not covid, gonna go get some tests today
going to canada in 2 days for a convention and i still need to clean and pack... aaaaaa
happy may day! donate to bail funds for arrested student protestors! support your fellow worker in the fight for a better world!
finals week at my job wish me luck pls!!!!
i did 3 loads of laundry today please be proud of me
happy lesbian visibility week!!!! from yr fave haunted lesbian xoxo
nothing promised / no regrets
woke up feeling bonkers anxious for no reason for the first time in a while
incredible how well my brain works when i'm medicated/it's sunny out/i'm consistently making art
it's gonna be 80ΒΊf this week for multiple days..... please it's APRIL
oh holy whore androgyne, come and sunder the stop signs
in certain situations, the minotaur at the heart of the labyrinth can be convinced the girl is not a girl but a part of the labyrinth itself