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the homunculus in your screen. i’m also on piclog :) The current mood of grampus at


grampus ❤️ 3 days ago

family is visiting :D super happy to have them over

grampus 🌧️ 4 days ago

one of my cats isn’t doing well right now. i really hope he pulls through.

grampus 💤 5 days ago

a lot of being lazy, lately. i think i need to focus more on my writing and illustrating.

grampus 🎮 31 days ago

the amount of kenshi i've been playing recently is... unhealthy (<_<)

grampus 🔥 35 days ago

i like summer and all that but does it have to be some GODDAMN H O T

grampus ☀️ 46 days ago

summertime is here so i’ve been doing a lot of going out lately <3

grampus 🔥 55 days ago

having such a good time lately rahhhhhhh

grampus 🥹 63 days ago

the end is nigh. i can’t decide what to think or feel

grampus ☀️ 68 days ago

weather’s getting better (perhaps to match my good mood? :D)

grampus 🌧️ 71 days ago

it’s been so gloomy lately :/

grampus 🙃 72 days ago

flirting between calm and stressed seemingly at a whim

grampus 💀 74 days ago

me when i go from what is genuinely one of the best days i’ve ever had to drudgery

grampus 🌙 75 days ago

had an amazing day. time to go to bed

grampus ✨ 78 days ago

positively jubilant >:) i am hurtling towards bittersweet goodbyes but for today i will celebrate

grampus 😶 82 days ago

after months my heart officially exploded. chat. what am i supposed to do here

grampus 💀 87 days ago

even in my HEAD i’m painfully awkward… let me be cool and confident (in a nice way)!!!

grampus 🥹 90 days ago

my friends actually enjoy my company? shocking news

grampus 🎬 93 days ago

i finished the fallout show tonight; it was really cool :]

grampus 🎨 99 days ago

displaying my art today and got asked if i do comms yesterday… lovely things :]

grampus 🔥 102 days ago

despite slacking off a little (a lot), i had a really fun week. one of the best i’ve had in a long time.

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