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hi. im avery i write mediocre code and sleep a lot


ghosttype 🌧️ 31 days ago

i love the smell of rain!!!

ghosttype 🌧️ 279 days ago

forever dissatisfied with how i present myself

ghosttype ✨ 287 days ago

its the spookiest day of the year

ghosttype ☀️ 293 days ago

walking around my silly little town

ghosttype 💔 294 days ago

this uniform is itchyyyyyy

ghosttype 🌙 307 days ago

its so weird how the way people treat you changes immediately as soon as you start paying more attention to your appearance

ghosttype 🌧️ 308 days ago

the indescribable void left in your soul after you finish a good book

ghosttype 💤 334 days ago

currently in a love hate relationship with english class

ghosttype 🌈 362 days ago

barbie movie!!!

ghosttype 🌈 362 days ago

also saw barbie today!!!

ghosttype 💻 362 days ago

need to remake my site again... need to stop getting bored of my layout every month

ghosttype ☀️ 373 days ago

sea glass p retty..

ghosttype 🙂 404 days ago

i water my plants -> my plants need water -> repeat for eternity

ghosttype 💔 406 days ago

haircut.. straightened hair bad

ghosttype ☀️ 412 days ago

the simple joy of doing dishes and watering plants

ghosttype ✨ 418 days ago

seeing ur button on someone elses site is so.. surreal

ghosttype 💔 419 days ago

4 more weeks.. i cant do this anymore

ghosttype ☀️ 427 days ago

hhshjshbjsdbdb hot weather bad. i am feeling a lot happier than usual though so maybe the sun is good in moderation

ghosttype 💻 434 days ago

new site layout is almost done. ive probably spent too much time on this for what its worth

ghosttype 🌧️ 443 days ago

wow its rainy

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