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hi. im avery i write mediocre code and sleep a lot


ghosttype 💻 461 days ago

debating remaking my entire site for the millionth time,,,

ghosttype 🐶 465 days ago

relistened to twin fantasy (things are getting bad again)

ghosttype 👽 488 days ago

i have to get gother

ghosttype 💔 491 days ago

how do i explain alexithymia without sounding like an edgelord

ghosttype 🌱 501 days ago

my cactus is flowering!!! im so proud of her

ghosttype 🌧️ 503 days ago

i havent done traditional art in months.. help

ghosttype ✨ 512 days ago

found a leather jacket that actually fits me. lifechanging

ghosttype 🌙 517 days ago

another year older

ghosttype 🌧️ 521 days ago

everything happens so much

ghosttype 💔 531 days ago

neocities please work

ghosttype 🌧️ 544 days ago

spiders are cool in theory but as soon as i actually see one i cry

ghosttype 💔 548 days ago

one of my plants has grown out of control send help

ghosttype 💤 557 days ago

the sleepytired is eternal

ghosttype 🙃 566 days ago

i love ikea i could wander aimlessly in here for years

ghosttype 🙂 568 days ago

real goofy goober hours

ghosttype 😎 585 days ago

in all ways except physical i am a muppet

ghosttype 🙃 589 days ago

hshnsnhhdgnhsj why cant i pet my friends cats through a phone screen

ghosttype 😇 590 days ago

i miss animal jam

ghosttype ❄️ 596 days ago

snowed for the first time this year, we didnt get any last year so its nice to see the colder weather again

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