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Glam ore

Living in a cave. Please have a seat and enjoy the wine.

goeth is feeling The current mood of gothy at www.imood.com


g0thy 💻 12 hours ago

fuckng finally got the job

g0thy 💤 6 days ago

could barely sleep, it's getting complicated

g0thy 🍺 13 days ago

today is independency day in brazil! love me some holidays

g0thy 🚄 16 days ago

love me some greater blue-ringed octopus' toxin

g0thy 🍿 17 days ago

today at the mall was wild so liminal spacey

g0thy 🍷 18 days ago

met a friend from spanish classes who gave it up cause all what the group was doing was like the basics we do in 101 lol

g0thy 🐶 19 days ago

animals just lighten up my mood honestly, cuddled and petted some buffalos, goats, sheep and cows yesterday, the whole farm was there :)

g0thy 🍷 20 days ago

no amount of fucks today

g0thy 💀 22 days ago

being haunted by the ghosts who give zero fucks about my mental health

g0thy 🍕 23 days ago

excuse me i'd like to order all the food available please

g0thy 🥺 26 days ago

brace yourselves, h5n1 is coming and now it is infecting domestic mammals as well, it's only a matter of when not if

g0thy 🍶 26 days ago

Food pasteurization saves lives and yet there are dumb people drinking milk without heating the shit up with a deadly virus on the way

g0thy 🎮 27 days ago

Mass Effect is the looking-good father, Dragon Age the badass son

g0thy 💀 28 days ago


g0thy 😭 28 days ago

i've tried everything, pokemon sword&shield, scarlet&violet, even the new snap game, nothing works anymore, what a broken mf pc

g0thy 😡 28 days ago

very non-relaxing day

g0thy 😭 29 days ago

rip engvid cute old lady from the english classes

g0thy 🎮 30 days ago

fallout 4

g0thy 🍏 31 days ago

I'd sell my soul for a picnic rn

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