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Glam ore

Living in a cave. Please have a seat and enjoy the wine.

goeth is feeling The current mood of gothy at www.imood.com


g0thy 🧀 32 days ago

DIDN'T GET THE JOB THO.. They can rotten in hell

g0thy ✏️ 32 days ago

won't postpone the certicates any more, my room will be full of achievements all over the walls and I'm damn proud of myself that's why

g0thy 🌧️ 32 days ago

the rain is So welcoming rn

g0thy 📺 33 days ago

PreHistoric Planet is top-notch documentary material about dinosaurs and how accurate they were!!

g0thy 💀 33 days ago

nahhh not today I won't die just won't

g0thy 💻 34 days ago

i'm sorry ok?? that i don't wanna work for free so please hire me already

g0thy 💻 34 days ago

did i get the job or??

g0thy 🌱 35 days ago

spring is coming thank the gods

g0thy 💻 35 days ago

think i got the job

g0thy 🎮 35 days ago

oh man I miss super nintendo

g0thy ✏️ 36 days ago

I *don't* need this paleography course right now. too bad i'm already doing it

g0thy 🍷 36 days ago

im hot but also old and resentful

g0thy 📰 37 days ago

what's next? I wonder

g0thy 🧐 37 days ago

my geology masterpost is growing stronger

g0thy ✈️ 37 days ago

like many other Brazilian scientists, I've just remembered we've got such a BRILLIANT BRAIN in Paleoanthropology and I want to meet him!

g0thy 🥺 37 days ago

wishing nothing but the best

g0thy 🎮 38 days ago

pls god don't make warhammer lore happen

g0thy ❤️ 38 days ago

husbn handed me a cute teacup with delicious hot cinnamon apple tea before going to work

g0thy 👽 38 days ago

feeling like a clown surrounded by walls while a real crowd is around the gate, does it make any sense?

g0thy ☀️ 38 days ago

today was a good day...

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