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I do love the 50s and 60s. I'm a baby Beatnik. Graphic design and the small web are my passion. I also play the guitar. And sometimes I play the fool.

If I had a time machine, I'd go back and see The Beatles at the Star-Club in Hamburg in '62. Or Shea Stadium '65... but only with a backstage pass.

GROOVY See Fritzi do the Watusi!

My Websites

Bohemian SultrinessThe Ad-Lib ClubThe Liverpudlian BardotThe Nerk Twins

My Love

If you don't treat her right, my friend // You're gonna find her gone // 'Cause I will treat her right, and then // You'll be the lonely one // You're gonna lose that girl


fritzi ✨ 1 day ago

Tried to give you consolation // Your old man had let you down // Like a fool, I fell in love with you // You turned my whole world upside down

fritzi ✨ 5 days ago

Going above and beyond ➤ shape-outside: polygon(...) to make a swell tribute to my most beloved Joe Barbaro.

fritzi ✨ 6 days ago

On this day today 59 years ago ➤ The »Yesterday and Today« photo session - which (in)famously lead to the ☆ Butcher Cover ☆

fritzi ✨ 12 days ago

Learning about viewport units ٭ vh, vw, vmin, and vmax ٭ improved my mobile layouts quite nicely.

fritzi ✨ 16 days ago

Everything would be perfectly pretty if only Firefox supported <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">

fritzi ✨ 17 days ago

Yeah, my blood's so mad, feels like coagulatin' // I'm sittin' here just contemplatin' // I can't twist the truth, it knows no regulation // Handful of senators don't pass legislation // And marches alone can't bring integration // When human respect is disintegratin' // This whole crazy world is just too frustratin'

fritzi ✨ 19 days ago

»You think you're doing this because you're loyal. But you're not. You're just scared.«

fritzi ✨ 25 days ago

»Sorry about not writing sooner, but my mechanical world fell apart on me - typewriter, tape recorder, stereo - what a mess. It's ridiculous how you come to depend on machines, but it's true.« ➤ May 1966

fritzi ✨ 27 days ago

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Special Agent Dale Cooper ASMR Channel.

fritzi ✨ 28 days ago

»It's good to be in something from the ground floor. I came too late for that and I know. But lately, I'm getting the feeling that I came in at the end. The best is over.«

fritzi ✨ 33 days ago

»Walking into one's own POV« is such a genius terrifying concept.

fritzi ✨ 38 days ago

Just remembered all the glossy magazine spreads I leafed through on the plane when JFK Jr. died. ☆ Camelot aesthetic ☆

fritzi ✨ 42 days ago

Warms my heart that everyone likes Henry Tomasino despite him being... well, you know. Plus, that we all can agree on our favourite scene as well.

fritzi ✨ 46 days ago

»I must be loyle to my capo.«

fritzi ✨ 46 days ago

Recently learned that ★ mob wife aesthetic ★ was a thing on TikTok last year - back in my days we simply called that WAGs.

fritzi ✨ 49 days ago

If my native tongue was English, I'd be 80% film & TV quotes and Beatles - how entertaining that would be, right? But alas I'm stuck with just quoting Loriot.

fritzi ✨ 52 days ago

The emotional toll it takes to re-watch "Whitecaps"...

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