Tried to give you consolation // Your old man had let you down // Like a fool, I fell in love with you // You turned my whole world upside down

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I do love the 50s and 60s. I'm a baby Beatnik. Graphic design and the small web are my passion. I also play the guitar. And
sometimes I play the fool
.If I had a time machine, I'd go back and see The Beatles at the Star-Club in Hamburg in '62. Or Shea Stadium '65... but only with a backstage pass.
My Websites
My Love
If you don't treat her right, my friend // You're gonna find her gone // 'Cause I will treat her right, and then // You'll be the lonely one // You're gonna lose that girl
Going above and beyond ➤ shape-outside: polygon(...) to make a swell tribute to my most beloved Joe Barbaro.
On this day today 59 years ago ➤ The »Yesterday and Today« photo session - which (in)famously lead to the ☆ Butcher Cover ☆
I cobbled together a simple lightbox script which I think looks quite ☆ pretty ☆
Learning about viewport units ٭ vh, vw, vmin, and vmax ٭ improved my mobile layouts quite nicely.
Everything would be perfectly pretty if only Firefox supported <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">
Yeah, my blood's so mad, feels like coagulatin' // I'm sittin' here just contemplatin' // I can't twist the truth, it knows no regulation // Handful of senators don't pass legislation // And marches alone can't bring integration // When human respect is disintegratin' // This whole crazy world is just too frustratin'
I wrote two scripts for implementing a ♡ (2) like button on Nekoweb and older Neocities websites.
»You think you're doing this because you're loyal. But you're not. You're just scared.«
»Sorry about not writing sooner, but my mechanical world fell apart on me - typewriter, tape recorder, stereo - what a mess. It's ridiculous how you come to depend on machines, but it's true.« ➤ May 1966
Federal Bureau of Investigation, Special Agent Dale Cooper ASMR Channel.
»It's good to be in something from the ground floor. I came too late for that and I know. But lately, I'm getting the feeling that I came in at the end. The best is over.«
»Walking into one's own POV« is such a genius terrifying concept.
Just remembered all the glossy magazine spreads I leafed through on the plane when JFK Jr. died. ☆ Camelot aesthetic ☆
☆ Outstanding Supporting Character in a ̶D̶r̶a̶m̶a̶ ̶S̶e̶r̶i̶e̶s̶ Video Game ☆
Warms my heart that everyone likes Henry Tomasino despite him being... well, you know. Plus, that we all can agree on our favourite scene as well.
»I must be loyle to my capo.«
Recently learned that ★ mob wife aesthetic ★ was a thing on TikTok last year - back in my days we simply called that WAGs.
If my native tongue was English, I'd be 80% film & TV quotes and Beatles - how entertaining that would be, right? But alas I'm stuck with just quoting Loriot.
The emotional toll it takes to re-watch "Whitecaps"...