i love troubleshooting. me when the task may be tedious and long

- Homepage
- https://twansgendew.net/
- fin@twansgendew.net
- About
Hi ^-^ i am cas/fin/herbert/IIe/http !! getting in2 the internet beyond giant social media as of maybe the beginning of 2022, end of 2021. my angel town profile and my tumblr
FINALLY got school wifi connected on arch, WHEEEEE!! hopefully it will not be this difficult every time but i think i have the process down
Now... I can finally (barely) say it... I run Arch, BTW.
halloween over, see you next year alternative css...
set up that scroll box
im thinking scroll box for webrings and cliques, index is getting long...
Laptop didn't charge last night... school wifi only connected to phone... death & destruction...
i LOVE modded minecraft
missed it by a day but happy 38th anniversary to hit 80s silly horror film re-animator, my favoritest ever
Need a long weekend or smth I'm so tired
I don't want my website to be copyrighted, I just put that at the bottom bc I saw other people doing it... what other license could I use...
set up a halloween theme 4 my site 2day + updated featured song yippee !! but now mytummy hurts wahhhh
skilled and talented at breaking my css
last night tried to install compiz and managed to crash my computer. not compatible with modern ubuntu?
not enough to have amateur compsci knowledge, i need to BECOME a linux machine
im wifi haver..... real....
Re:my prev status, I just didn't know how to navigate to my SD card in Ubuntu file explorer oopsie
i do not want to have to format my sd card again pretty please qbit just start working magically
i should nevar have 2 go 2 school or do homework. #tired
Every time angel-town is down its basically like the end of the world