have been listening 2 a lot of pat the bunny

- Homepage
- https://twansgendew.net/
- fin@twansgendew.net
- About
Hi ^-^ i am cas/fin/herbert/IIe/http !! getting in2 the internet beyond giant social media as of maybe the beginning of 2022, end of 2021. my angel town profile and my tumblr
just submitted my first assignment for my webpage publishing class Soon i will be a master
When we cleaned my dad's PC a few days ago it went from taking 6 hours to turn on to just 1 hour sooooo that was it lol at least partially
Have been trying 2 set up linuxmint on my dad's PC & it is working but I think this thang has hardware issues or at least needs 2 be cleaned
joined my school's tech club's discord server
if i update my website in the next day or two know i am procrastinating on an essay
i like the new destroy boys album
very bad at fighting ender dragon pls send help
sat outside w my dad most of the day. unrestrained summer fun
going to get my class schedule 4 my first yr of college set up today... oh yeah...
have a little head ache but its O.K.
should i minecraft or walk or tv or read... quite the dilemma if i do say so myself
Officially accepted in2 college 👍
made a furcadia acct and am learning 2 dream weave... ooooh...
Have been trying 2 listen 2 prurient frozen niagara falls. I love noise
got out of classes and havent felt like doing anything #sleepylife
it may or may not be my last day of high school. story developing...
making progress on a school project that i hope to upload to my site eventually!!!!!!!
Happy International Workers Day 2 all who celebrate!!!!!
spent the last few days trying 2 set up dwmblocks-async & i think it is beyond my current capabilities. sticking w slstatus 4 now ^-^