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Hi ^-^ i am cas/fin/herbert/IIe/http !! getting in2 the internet beyond giant social media as of maybe the beginning of 2022, end of 2021. my angel town profile and my tumblr


finduilas ✨ 204 days ago

working on a ppt abt the personal web & rewatching ohshc

finduilas ✏️ 204 days ago

arrgh im so at school

finduilas 😭 205 days ago

maybe a break should be Do School Work Early and Not on the Last Day of Break

finduilas 🌈 207 days ago

maybe a break Should be a break and not a Time To Do Other Work

finduilas 🤒 211 days ago

have not gotten any website work done and now i have a sore throat

finduilas 💻 227 days ago

maybe THIS break from school will be the one that gets me back to website work.. 3 more days...

finduilas 🤔 232 days ago

what do most people use to create their blog pages on their sites? bearblog? midnightpub?

finduilas 💻 241 days ago

i promise i just need to gut my laptop one more time & make her suckless and then ill be back to website work (lying, probably)

finduilas 📺 247 days ago

made a letterboxd this morning whee wahoo

finduilas 😱 249 days ago

Pay no attention to the man behind the screen but I just realized I never fixed the pages in my misc folder when I changed the CSS. Oopsie

finduilas 🥰 252 days ago

i love troubleshooting. me when the task may be tedious and long

finduilas 💻 260 days ago

FINALLY got school wifi connected on arch, WHEEEEE!! hopefully it will not be this difficult every time but i think i have the process down

finduilas 💻 265 days ago

Now... I can finally (barely) say it... I run Arch, BTW.

finduilas 💻 266 days ago

halloween over, see you next year alternative css...

finduilas 🥳 274 days ago

set up that scroll box

finduilas 💡 275 days ago

im thinking scroll box for webrings and cliques, index is getting long...

finduilas 🙂 276 days ago

Laptop didn't charge last night... school wifi only connected to phone... death & destruction...

finduilas 🎮 280 days ago

i LOVE modded minecraft

finduilas 📺 281 days ago

missed it by a day but happy 38th anniversary to hit 80s silly horror film re-animator, my favoritest ever

finduilas 😴 290 days ago

Need a long weekend or smth I'm so tired

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