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they/them - autistic - exhausted


faeriebottled97 🥱 414 days ago

two shots one blood draw today im so tired zzzzzzzz

faeriebottled97 💀 446 days ago

too much brain fog to edit the website tonite

faeriebottled97 🫖 446 days ago

if i dont get a matcha and a hot sandwich im gonna freak

faeriebottled97 😴 447 days ago

coping with my upcoming surgery by looking at felicia

faeriebottled97 ☀️ 452 days ago

birthday in two days and im content with my life with my loving butch and our blessings

faeriebottled97 😴 489 days ago

the point of life is love and soft things

faeriebottled97 📚 581 days ago

reading a particularly cute book called skunk and badger :o)

faeriebottled97 📚 671 days ago

been consuming a lot of media, watching new creators, and reading more :o) too bad i think ive gotten a chest cold

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