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fadenkreuze 🍣 9 days ago

Giving my boyfriend a Colonoscopy

fadenkreuze 🫖 14 days ago

Selling my fiance to Nivek Ogre for 1 million dollars

fadenkreuze 🫖 38 days ago

plugging his holes so he can't shit nor piss.

fadenkreuze 💾 58 days ago

i hope trent reznor fall in a hole and die badly

fadenkreuze 🙂 87 days ago

also this is the 2nd day in a row a quirked up mixed boy came in talking transphobia and AI with his uncle... you meet so many people

fadenkreuze 🙂 87 days ago

anyway busy working 👍 a white man aged 25+ probably 30+ came in made a mess and gave a 15 baht tip. committing homicide

fadenkreuze 🙂 87 days ago

we should start using this more - cg

fadenkreuze 📱 103 days ago

my baby sister fucks ducks send help

fadenkreuze 🎤 103 days ago

"let people have fun" let me shoot shotgun slugs in their skulls how about

fadenkreuze 💀 122 days ago

people who struggle with bathroom problems are the weakest link and will be killed off by natural selection

fadenkreuze 🙂 125 days ago

eating its pussy like it's the eucharist

fadenkreuze 📰 139 days ago

looking for a job today wish us luck

fadenkreuze 🤖 142 days ago

no life braindead nobodies get shot

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