flurries every march
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reminder: there is no February 29th, 2100.
siri and alexa suck
voobah voobah voobah ping noah
I'm not your IT bitch fix your own fucking printer
scared the shit out of myself by watching "The New Look" on ATV+. Gads.
I'm funny? Funny how? Funny like a clown? Funny like I amuse yous?
Descartes walks into a McD orders a bigmac& coke, gets asked "want fries?" replies "I think not"...and disappears
i see you sketch book and pencils don't look at me like that
some people need to stop being a herbert
I really need to control my emotions. They will be my undoing.
liebschen, what watch? ten watch. um. such much.
I'm setting new level of extreme laziness the effort it takes to do the simplest things just not worth it
list of things i'm never, ever gonna do again: send job application; send resume; go to job interview. fuck working for other dickwads
brain and brain! what is brain?!?!
not sure what i did to deserve my girl, but i am one lucky SOB to have her
youth is wasted on the young. I generalize because I have one first hand data point to support the hypothesis
I now resent all that effort I put into an engineering degree and a doctorate. I coulda been a contender...i coulda been somebody...
it all starts with pencils and a sketch book
the realization that all my lists of "things I don't want to do" are now "things I can't ever do."