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edie_v 😛 316 days ago


edie_v ☕️ 324 days ago

dark academia is when you're too busy substitute teaching and forget to register for education classes

edie_v 💻 328 days ago

happy to announce i am making parallogress (parallax progress)

edie_v 😱 332 days ago

forgot to update my css EARLY and WAIT to implement it on all the pages. now everything's BROKEN (for now) learn from my mistakes

edie_v 💻 338 days ago

school has started up again so i might not be as active on the ol' webbe site but i'll do my best

edie_v 😭 341 days ago

i miss my children's museum job but it also paid peanuts but it was so fun

edie_v ☀️ 345 days ago

we are having such an awful heatwave this week

edie_v 📖 352 days ago

i am 400+ pages into this new book but haven't had the chance to put it on the website (vacation)

edie_v 🙃 356 days ago

laptop charger broke on the first day of my trip wow

edie_v 💀 359 days ago

car owners are soooo entitled why don't you try being a pedestrian for a few months see how you like it

edie_v 😎 364 days ago

big things on the horizon. (for my website) (not that big.) (well, i'm excited, anyway)

edie_v 😱 366 days ago

why is parallax scrolling so hard to figure out! it seems like it should be simpler than this

edie_v 🤐 368 days ago

stressed and anxious! bunch of stuff piling up

edie_v 📚 375 days ago

as a kid i used to grab armfuls of goosebumps paperbacks at the library and read them obsessively until the day 1 actually scared me so bad

edie_v 🤖 376 days ago

wifi has been out since thursday night and still no update on when they'll send a technician

edie_v 🥺 378 days ago

josie's dollz went down... please say psych

edie_v 😭 380 days ago

i'm so good at crying. champion of experiencing emotions

edie_v 🥺 383 days ago

low key crushing on local store employee. how to become friends?

edie_v 🙃 385 days ago

one of the recent changes made my homepage wider and i'm not sure why

edie_v 😎 388 days ago

friends are visiting this week

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