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draconicdetective 😴 670 days ago

i need to set up a blog i want to so bad but i always forget and never do

draconicdetective 🥳 720 days ago

i submitted one of my papers for school earlier and was accepted! woo! one huge thing off the list, now i can go back to my site for a bit

draconicdetective 😭 723 days ago

my session today got cancelled entirely ok then

draconicdetective 🤔 723 days ago

my therapist rescheduled our appointment today from 1pm to 2pm without telling me ? ??

draconicdetective 😴 723 days ago

always end up staying way too late... hopefully my alarms go off fr

draconicdetective 😴 724 days ago

really not wanting to to anything today but i sorta gotta and have to

draconicdetective 😭 725 days ago

i have such a busy week ahead if i want to have everything done in time for school....... sigh.

draconicdetective 🍏 725 days ago

happy august! im so not ready for school to start later this month

draconicdetective 📚 726 days ago

is tamanotchi not working for anyone else or is it just me

draconicdetective 🥳 726 days ago

i feel like i actually slept last night im thriving

draconicdetective ❤️ 726 days ago

im helping my boyf with neocities and im so (: happy to share.

draconicdetective 🥳 726 days ago

@niceopod tysm..!! i didnt think it would interact w the whole page (: pretty new around here. many thanks!!

draconicdetective 😭 727 days ago

how are yall doing cute formats and layouts on your status.cafes awoooo its soo cute im jealous

draconicdetective 💾 727 days ago

got a lot with my site figured out and im soo excited about it. hard but fun. more to do tomorrow!!

draconicdetective ✏️ 728 days ago

trying to figure out how i want to make my page look so i can begin to figure out how to code it... eep.