I miss dicking around online, but I'm scared and anxious

- Homepage
- https://doctordizzy.space
- doctordizzy@32bit.cafe
- About
I've never been good at talking about myself, but hello! ^_^ I'm Dizzy, and that's really all you need to know about me. :P
- Cursor from RealWorld Designer
- Vanosky font from Fontesk.
I want to kiss Spy TF2. Also fuck Elon Musk. These are unrelated I just wanted to cuss out Elon thanks
i hate how much i love shipping fictional characters i hate how much shipping means to me i hate this
How do you people not have cool profile themes
Happy one week anniversary of when my not eating or drinking out of sheer apathy for the practice landed me in the er
Yay I made sandalwood lavender honey body wash ✨
I think that I'm done with the status.cafe themes I made. I'll publish them later today
dear person who invented breakout bleeding: stop
Would love to give a HUGE "fuck you" to moral OCD for paralyzing me and causing me to spiral
hit my head and i am now in pain. lawa mi li pakala.
gonna put some status cafe code snippets on the site tomorrow to help make theming easier for everyone!!
i edited my status.cafe theme a bit. lmk what you think! email me :3
Harassing people is wrong, no matter who does it or who it's against.
i hate streaming services. related: fuck spotify
I believe in standard time supremacy
anyway made a ublock origin filter to hide status.cafe posts with really long words bc they mess up the layout
I don't consume content. I read books. I watch videos. I listen to music. By artists. Not "content creators". Hate that term so fucking much
jury duty tomorrow. i plan to serve looks while serving verdicts
I swear that I'm doing the semantic HTML thing right, so why do I have so many goddamn <div>s???????
i want to go to Library