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I'm Disil, your typical depressed high school teenager who tries to get scholarship so he can go to Europe.


disil 🍦 24 days ago

im turning 17 today yay!

disil 🎨 36 days ago

im making a logo for my blog. having fun with canva..

disil 🌙 108 days ago

Happy Eid Al-Fitr for those who celebrate it :)

disil 🙂 109 days ago

claude ai so good it made me addicted to writing story with em

disil 🌧️ 149 days ago

So this is what "lose streak" feels like

disil ☀️ 154 days ago

I felt so productive today uwu

disil 💡 175 days ago

just found a blog that has the perfect design. gonna imitate that design in my blog :)

disil 😇 207 days ago

Let's start this year with a fresh mind

disil 🌧️ 217 days ago

how can someone get a really close mates in life?

disil ✏️ 221 days ago

ATTENTION!! To someone that had sended email about music software, did you receive the reply? If not, I send you a reply using my Gmail.

disil 🎤 226 days ago

I need to find a new music management software, KDE Elisa & VLC isn't good for metadata tagging.

disil 🙂 235 days ago

finally exam is done. Lets start the holidayyy

disil 😭 237 days ago

i dont get accepted in BIM scholarship. bye bye england, see you in another dream.

disil 🌈 238 days ago

time to updatr my blog yay

disil 🤩 266 days ago

now and then (The Beatles new release) is pretty good considering that both McCartney and Starr is 80+ yo now. listen to it guys!

disil 😂 268 days ago

revising essay with Michael is hella fun, we should do that again ahh

disil 😶 285 days ago

I fucking hate how I can't speak English properly. If only I was born in English-speaking family...

disil 😂 304 days ago

biden's decline is really hilarious (not trying to be disrespectful, but oh man these are laughable)

disil 😶 309 days ago

first bim poster had been posted.

disil 😡 330 days ago

tense because I look at those competitor in OSN. I know I'm jealous but still this hurt.

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